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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Learnings from my colorful days

Life becomes sweet when you have good friends around. This post is about such friends in my life and I dedicate it to them. Most of my sweet friends are from my undergraduate course, they made those days unforgettable. The care and affection they provided me cannot be expressed in words. Enjoyment is the only thing we did focused on those days. But now when I remember them, they provided invaluable experiences to me unconsciously.

Whenever I think about my college days the first thing strikes in my mind is arrear. Most students hate this word and afraid about the occurrence of it in their academic history. But we guys are totally different in this regarding, we hate exams so arrears started to like us and it filled our mark sheets. At result day when all other classmates discussing about marks they secured, we will have our discussion on how the forthcoming semester exam schedule will be made so as to avoid one day match- as we fondly call two exams in a day. But arrears really gains you self-confidence. Self-confidence come to you only if you strike back at your failures and converts those into success. When u witness an arrear cleared by you, the confidence gets built up in you will be strong enough to make you face your failures with ease. I don’t recommend you to keep arrears, but if it occurs in your academics face those with confidence and clear it.

The thing we do often to have fun is making a picnic to any nearest place. Travelling helped us to explore places and also us. This helped us to recover from many things like sorrows, misunderstandings, importantly mental fatigue we experienced by the academics. When you start to have fun as a group, you will start to forget your sorrows. Misunderstandings have never been occurred between any of us, as we all had a single motto- fun. When you have fun, your mind will be positive and it will not allow any negative things to enter into our mind to create misunderstandings with close ones. By these kind we explored ourselves very well and the understanding we had between us reached a great level so that we never had big quarrels. Mostly our arguments will end up in fun and none will feel won in it. Arguments really help you to share many things but when you have arguments with your close ones don’t try to win it. Because winning an argument with your close ones might end up in disturbing your rapport with them.

-to be continued……